Jens Peterson 应用

Speedometer 2.0.4
Jens Peterson
Speedometer showing speed, average speed, tripmeter,, mph, knots.
Vocabulary Champ 1.1.1
Jens Peterson
Vocabulary Champ helps you to learn foreignvocabulary fast and efficient! This is how it works: Write theforeign vocabulary and the translation in a list. When done, startpracticing. You can choose to write the foreign vocabulary or thetranslation. For every word/phrase you have two chances to writethe correct answer, else the correct answer will be showed toyou.When a round of practicing is complete, you can start over againbut choose only to practice the vocabulary you answered incorrectin the previous round. In that way you will be able to learn thevocabulary faster, since you are only practicing words/phrases thatyou don’t already know.Functional description:* Write foreign vocabulary and its translation. Your languageselection is marked with a national flag.* Practice your vocabulary. Write the foreign word/phrase or itstranslation.* The words/phrases will show up in random order, not in the orderin the list.* You will have two tries to write the correct answer, before thecorrect answer is showed to you.* When the practice round is finished, statistics for your resultis showed.* Only previously incorrect answered words/phrases will be part ofthe next practicing round.* During a practicing round, your current statistics isshown.* For every practicing round, the total statistics are saved so youcan see your total progress.
Compass 1.2
Jens Peterson
Traditional compass with nice, clean design. FREE!
Hunting Spot Finder 2.0.1
Jens Peterson
When hunting, it can sometimes be hard tofindthe exact location for your hunting spots. But don´t getstressed,with this hunting app you can mark out and save yourhunting spotswith help from the GPS. It will then be easy to findyour spots.When selecting a hunting spot, the app will give youdistance andbearing to the spot. A compass will show you yourdirection ofmovement and which direction to go to find the huntingspot.In the spot map you can see own position and positionhistory,i.e. how you have been moving the latest minutes. It isthen easyto see if you are on track. You can also measure distancefrom yourown position by clicking on the map. How wide is theclearing? Isthe shooting distance reasonable? With this app youwill have atool for your hunting, making the way to the shoteasier.Functional description:* Administrate a hunting spot database and distribute it toyourhunting companions.* Add a hunting spot with name, rank, and description.* Add a hunting spot manually, on the exact location, or byplacinga marker on the spot map.* Edit or delete hunting spots.* Possibility to have different hunt spot databases fordifferenthunting areas.* Distance and bearing to the hunting spot in large text.* Bearing to the hunting spot integrated with a compass.* Spot map showing all hunting spots.* Spot map showing your own position and the way to theselectedhunting spot.* Position history showing your movement on the map for thelatestminutes.* Select a custom position on the to get distance andbearingto.* Measure distance between your own position and another positionbyclicking on the map.* Multiple language support: English or Swedish.* No login requirement or login data required.* Possible to use without data traffic.* No extra or hidden costs in the app, it is a one time buy.Notmore expensive than a cartridge of good quality!
Division 1.1
Jens Peterson
Practice and learn division fast and easy!
Multiplication 1.3.1
Jens Peterson
Practice and learn multiplication tables fast and easy!
Speedometer 0.911
Jens Peterson
GPS Speedometer including average speed, trip meter, odometer,km/h, mph, knots.